Terrifying and Deadliest Creatures Of The Amazon River

The Amazon River is considered to be one of the world's most fascinating places. Its lush greenery makes it a good destination unlike any other place on Earth. It has drawn a lot of travelers to set off an adventure for centuries. It is the heart of America's largest, most complex, and most diverse ecosystems. It may sound inviting, but it is one of the deadliest places on Earth.

There are a lot of creatures inhabiting the Amazon river. Some are not directly harmful to humans but there are quite a large number of dangerous ones that are on a killing spree. Its ecosystem is composed of exotic and unusual predators.

Lets start a list of Amazon's terrifying and deadliest creatures.

Electric Eel
It is hard to believe that an electric eel can jolt of electricity up to 600 volts. It is similar to a stun gun or "Taser". The amount of eel can produce one volt is not capable of causing death but there are reported cases having The electric eels as culprits. They do not eat humans, but some people are believed to have drowned after an encounter with the electric eels.

Candiru fish

One of the most featured animals in the Amazon is a candiru, a small catfish. They may look harmless entirely considering its size but that does not define this small but terrible catfish. It is feared because it is known to burrow into the genitals and rectums of those people who bath in the river. There is one case of a man who has undergone surgery to remove the candiru has ordered that settled within his testicles. Candiru also has the ability to suck blood from its host it attached to larger fish through its spine.


Arapaima as known as "pirarucu" or "paiche" are gigantic carnivorous fish that think like nothing more than living in piranha- infested water. There are effective predators feeding themselves on fish and occasional birds. They tend to stay close on the surface in addition to taking in oxygen through their gills.

Giant Otter

There are the longest examples of the weasel family. Their diet is primarily consist of fish and crabs which they hunt in family groups. They may look cute but do not get fooled for they are more than a match for the other animals in the list. Groups of them can be able to devour an anaconda and a caiman. Their local name is river wolves.


A caiman is basically an alligator on steroids. They are the apex predators in the Amazon waters. That means they are basically the king of the river. They eat nearly anything they can get their teeth into which includes piranhas, monkeys, deer, and humans as well. In 2010, a biologist named Deise Nishimura is attacked by a caiman living under her houseboat for eight months. She manages to fight it off but it cause the lost of her one leg.


The largest snake in the whole world makes a home in the Amazon. They are not venomous but they have their own method of killing its prey. With the immense muscular power to constrict and suffocate their prey, they are one of the terrifying creatures living in the Amazon.

Bull Shark 

They are ocean-dwelling saltwater animals but they can make a home in fresh water too. They have special kidneys that can sense the salinity of the surrounding water and adapt accordingly. They have several rows of sharp, triangular teeth and immensely powerful jaws. They are one of the most frequent attackers to humans. Combine with their habit of living near populated area, this has lead to many experts to label them the most dangerous sharks in the world.


They are so widely feared that they are usually featured on movies as terrors in the water. They are primarily scavengers but it is not to say they don't attack healthy prey. They have incredibly sharp teeth, one row of each powerful upper and lower jaws. These teeth are interlocking which makes them perfect for tearing and rending the flesh of their prey.


This fish is called to be the "vampire fish". They ferocious predators that can devour their prey instantly. Their large diet is made up of piranhas which explains the size of the two tusk located on their lower jaw which can grow up to 15 centimeters (6 inches) long. Theri fangs are so big that they have special holes in their upper jaw to avoid impaling themselves with it.

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